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Can you say no to Induction of Labour?

Writer's picture: Julia KitchingJulia Kitching

Updated: Oct 21, 2024

Yes! You can say no to induction of labour! Have you been told that you will need to be induced? Are you happy about being induced? Have you been told why you need to be induced? Have you been told what induction is and what it entails? Informed consent is so important.

When it comes to induction of labour or intervention, it is important to know your birth rights. Ask your health carers lots of questions. What is their induction policy? Consider the risks and benefits to you and your baby. Maybe you'll want to take a wait and see approach? Take your time to decide what you want to do. Do not feel pressured or rushed. It is your baby and your body. Read my blog "Induction of Labour in the UK" to understand induction of labour in more detail.

What is induction of labour?

There are 4 stages of the induction of labour process. Depending on where you are in your labour process, you might skip some of these stages or be offered them all.

❤1. Stretch & Sweep - To help ripen the cervix.

❤2. Ripen & Open the cervix.

-Cervical Balloon Catheter -None hormonal catheter is inserted into the neck of the womb and filled with sterile saline fluid. The pressure from the balloon on the cervix, should ripen and help it to open. You can usually go home with the balloon in place and it will remain in place for 24 hours.

-Pessary/ tablet/ gel – A pharmaceutical drug which mimics the prostaglandin hormone. This is used to help ripen and open the cervix.

❤3. Artificial Rupture of Membranes (ARM) – This is when a medical professional will insert a flat plastic amnihook into the vagina and break the bag of waters surrounding the baby, in the hope of starting labour.

❤4. Syntocinon drip – This is when a needle is inserted into a woman’s hand and a drug called syntocinon is administered via a drip. Syntocinon is a synthetic oxytocin, which is used to try and speed up labour.

It is not illegal to decline induction and you can decide which stage of induction you are happy to accept, if at all any. It is really important that you fully understand the side effects, pros and cons of each stage of induction, if this is something that you are considering. REMEMBER – ask lots of questions, take your time and it is ok to say NO!

To understand more about induction of labour, Dr Sara Wickham has some amazing resources. One of her big selling books called "In your Own Time" is a must read. The AIMS guide to induction of labour is a good read too and also Dr Sara Wickham - Ten things I wish every woman knew about induction of labour is a great resource to check out.

If you'd like support with your birth preparation, antenatal support, birth support or considering doing a Hypnobirthing course, visit my website or contact me to find out more about the services that I can offer you.

Julia x

Pregnant and considering induction of labour?

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