Group Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes & Courses in Leeds, West Yorkshire
Group Hypnobirthing Classes
Group Hypnobirthing classes are a great way to meet likeminded people who are on a similar journey to you. The Hypnobirthing course is exactly the same as my private 1-1, full hypnobirthing course, but it is done as a group setting, in a gorgeous venue in Oulton, Leeds. My group hypnobirthing course is £295 per couple and can be booked with a £50 deposit, with the remaining balance to be paid 2 weeks before the start of the class. The remaining balance can be made in installments if you'd prefer.
If you would like to add my Birth Doula Support Package onto any Hypnobirthing course, you can do this, for a £50 discount.

Group Hypnobirthing Course @Leeds Physiotherapy & Pilates Practice Ltd, Oulton, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS26 8HS
When should I start a hypnobirthing course?
The ideal time to start a group hypnobirthing course, is between 20 - 35 weeks of pregnancy. However, it is never too early or too late to start a hypnobirthing course. If you are over 35 weeks pregnant and would like to do a hypnobirthing course, I offer a private essentials hynobirthing course, which is perfect if you are discovering hypnobirthing later on in your pregnancy. I also offer a private calm caesarean hypnobirthing course too.
Group Hypnobirthing courses are currently unavailable due to venue refurbishment. Please contact me to book a private 1-1 Hypnobirthing course instead.
Group Hypnobirthing Course Includes:
4 x 2.5 hour sessions. (10 hours in total).
Refreshments will be provided
The course will teach you all of the hypnobirthing tools and techniques that you need, to reduce any fears that you might have about birth and help you to have a positive birth experience, however that might look to you. Whether you are planning a vaginal birth, caesarean birth, drug free birth, homebirth, hospital birth, induced birth, instrumental birth or whether you are wanting an epidural and all the drugs that are available to you during your birth, hypnobirthing tools can be applied and I will show you and you birth partner how.Each session will end with a beautiful, relaxing, hypnosis script - this is where the magic happens and with practice of your hypnobirthing techniques and relaxation MP3's, you start approaching your birth with a more positive mindset.
Information to help you to make informed decisions and your own choices.
Teach you about how the body works during labour and different coping techniques.
Help you to navigate the complicated maternity system.
Phone, text or email support from me, an experienced doula and hypnobirthing teacher, before and after your baby is born.
Group hypnobirthing classes are based in a beautiful venue in Oulton, Leeds, with plenty of free on street parking. Chairs and yoga mats will be provided, but I encourage you to bring your own pillow and blanket (if you wish), for the relaxation at the end.
It includes a client hypnobirthing workbook, positive affirmation cards and resources. Including MP3 hypnosis tracks (recorded in my voice), to play in your own time and to be able to practise the techniques at home.
Access to my relevant reading library.