Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world, yet it's always being judged and criticised. We're judged for breastfeeding, judged for not breastfeeding. Judged for breastfeeding too long, judged for not breastfeeding long enough. Judged for breastfeeding in public, judged for trying to breastfeed in private.
I'm very lucky to have breastfed both my children. My first child I breastfed for 19 months and my second child for 3 years. I loved my breastfeeding journey, but it came with many bumps in the road. From tongue tie, feeding plans, exhaustion, engorgement, blocked ducts, poor latch, cracked nipples, anxiety over not producing enough milk, trying to feed in public toilets, (in fear of offending others), the list goes on.
However, those breastfeeding cuddles felt like the best cuddles in the world and despite all the bumps in the road, I loved breastfeeding my children. I've breastfed in all kinds of places. In a field, up a mountain, on a plane, in a theatre, in a changing room, in a cafe, in a swimming pool, walking around a supermarket whilst pushing a trolley. On a boat, in the street, on the floor of a clothes shop. In a restaurant, whilst also trying to one handily spoon feed a 3 year old. In the car, on the toilet, in the bath, in bed. Oh so many other places. Where have you breastfed your baby?
Why is Breastfeeding Important?
Breastfeeding is important, because not only does breastfeeding provide your baby with nutritious food, but it also gives them comfort. Having the right temperature of milk, on tap, just when you need it, has been a god send on so many occasions for me. My daughter gave me no warnings when she was ready for a feed or needed comfort, she just went into full blown screaming. She was certainly not going to wait for her milk to be prepared and cooled!
Breastfeeding is a skill and it takes time, patience and support. It's not always easy and it's not always for everyone. Professor Amy Brown discusses 9 things to expect when you are breastfeeding. How you decide to feed your baby though, it needs to be an informed decision, YOUR decision and a supported decision that's right for you and your baby. With the right support, your feeding journey will be a positive journey. Take a look at Lucy Webber's (IBCLC Lactation Consultant) website for some great information about breastfeeding.
If you would like 1-1 support with breastfeeding, please contact me. I'd love to hear from you!
Julia x